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3 Easy Ways To Stay Active on Social Media

Written by Breakthrough Broker Staff Writers

Whether you’re in a time crunch or struggling to keep up with the always-changing algorithm, here are 3 quick and reliable ways to gain traction on social media.


Rather than boast your own success, let your past clients do it for you. Take a look through Google or Zillow for beaming reviews. Pull the ones you like most and plug them into this template then post to your Facebook or Instagram. Consider a caption along the lines of, “I couldn’t be more grateful for my wonderful clients. I’m blushing.” If you’re still building a rapport and don’t have any reviews yet, reach out to your past clients via email. Don’t be afraid to ask them to share their experience with you or online!

Facebook Cover Photo:

This is the first thing someone sees when they visit your Facebook profile. Historically, Facebook has given these posts high priority meaning it’s shown to a lot of people. Spice it up by changing your cover photo periodically. Quarterly, seasonally, and market shifts, there are many ways you can change this to stay relevant and top of mind with your audience. If you’re stuck on where to begin, check out our designs.


These are a great way to lighten up your feed with a little humor and break up all the static posts with some motion. Stop the scroll, even just for a few seconds, using GIFs. Explore our collection to get going.

Remember, staying active on social media is half the battle. With these simple ideas, you can quickly knock out your social media marketing and get back into the business of selling real estate.

Additional Helpful material

Testimonial Templates
Facebook Cover Photos

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