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Explore the Marketing Center
The MLS Lookup tool on BB Plus is powered via an integration with ListHub. ListHub aggregates property data from over 600 MLSs nationwide. We use that data to create your marketing items. In order to use the lookup feature, your MLS must be connected to ListHub.
Is your MLS part of ListHub?
Click here to see a complete list of supported MLSs.
Is your MLS listed there?
If the answer to step 1 is NO, then unfortunately the MLS Lookup feature is not currently available to you.
If the answer to step 1 is YES, then continue to step 2.
Does your broker-in-charge share data with Breakthrough Broker?
If your MLS works with ListHub but our MLS Lookup tool isn't working for you, it may mean that your company's broker-in-charge needs to "opt in" to share your brokerage's data with Breakthrough Broker. The broker-in-charge has the ability "opt in" through their ListHub dashboard.
If your MLS is supported and your broker has opted in to share your listings with Breakthrough Broker, you should be able to use the MLS Lookup feature. These changes can take up to 24 hours to take effect.
Technology, marketing, & strategy your real estate business needs!

Being a Real Estate Professional is challenging. Finding the time and technology to stay top of mind and generate new business is a full-time job. Breakthrough Broker is here to help.

Equipped with features such as:

Workbooks, checklists, playbooks, and workshops to support the growth and management of your business.
Easy-to-use marketing technology to create and customize professional marketing designs.
Direct mail marketing services and engaging social media content.

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