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Strategic Farming & Prospecting

We all have the same goal in mind; to increase the number of listings. It takes time and commitment to find the most suitable farm for you, but in the end is remarkably rewarding. Get educated with Tyler Steenken in this on-demand webinar.

Here's what you can expect to learn in this "Strategic Farming and Prospecting” on-demand webinar:

  • Using proper statistics to find your farm
  • How to reach out to the community through various aspects like monthly newsletters and events
  • How to utilize a purchase mailing list on Breakthrough Broker
  • The importance of building a sustainable business through relationships
  • How to create more conversations about buying and selling real estate

Cole Realty has a 70 year history of helping small businesses grow their databases. Get access to an unlimited database of cellphones and emails by clicking HERE.

Thanks your for your time Tyler!

Technology, marketing, & strategy your real estate business needs!

Being a Real Estate Professional is challenging. Finding the time and technology to stay top of mind and generate new business is a full-time job. Breakthrough Broker is here to help.

Equipped with features such as:

Workbooks, checklists, playbooks, and workshops to support the growth and management of your business.
Easy-to-use marketing technology to create and customize professional marketing designs.
Direct mail marketing services and engaging social media content.

Create your free account and join over 600,000 other real estate pros.

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