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Open House Feedback Form

Single Open House Feedback Form
Understand what your open house guests think of your listing by asking them to fill out this feedback form during or after their tour. Not only do you get a better understanding of how your listing is performing in the market, but it's a clever way to obtain contact information for follow up.
Real Estate Terminology

There is nothing better than having fun ways to get the conversation rolling. If you're hosting an open house, hand these simple and colorful forms to not only grab the attention and get feedback but to gain momentum for potential leads.

Additionally, you could use the visitor's feedback to establish a great connection by initiating the conversation with something like, "I know that house didn't meet your needs, but I have a few I think would be a great fit." If this sparks their interest, handle this like a hot buyer lead!

In conjunction with this document, use the matching Multiple Open House Comparison Chart and Open House Guest Registers at your open house to provide a "wow" factor.

Don't forget a clipboard and a pen! 

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